sabato 12 marzo 2011

Linux WOL (Wake on Lan) configuration

Two steps:

1)Enable WOL's BIOS support

Usually the WOL feature is located inside the BIOS's Power Management menu.
You have to look for an option which looks like "Wake On Lan" or "Manageability WOL/ WOR by PME" or "Power On By PCI Devices" and let's enable it.

2)Linux WOL (network card configuration)

There are three different ways:

The old&dirty way

OpenSuse users: edit the file /etc/init.d/boot.local and add this line:
(Other Linux's users: edit the file rc.local)

ethtool -s eth0 wol g

Let's change "eth0" in order to match your network adapter's name and save the file.
Reboot and shutdown the system and you are ready to wake it up ;-)
This procedure has worked right with Linux OpenSuse 11.3 and ASUS mobo (integrated ethernet card).

Note: boot.local is a dangerous place for network configuration's tasks (eth names may be wrong at the moment)
rc.local is the last executed boot's script and is the best place but OpenSuse lacks it.

The right way (RedHat, Fedora, SuSE)

Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (or similar name).

RedHat, let's add this option:


SuSe option's name is different:


The Yast way

The beloved&blessed SuSE users should use Yast in order to enable WOL (you have to disable NetwokManager first) .
Network settings->Edit the network adapter configuration->ethtool options"

Feedback is appreciated.

Have fun!

Useful tips:
in order to get you mac (HWaddr) address, use this command (with superuser rights):

ifconfig -a eth0

1 commento:

  1. Considerazione.. più cerco di scrivere in inglese più mi rendo conto che il risultato assomiglia al prodotto di un traduttore automatico. Quando i concetti superano il livello di "Mario beve un caffè" riuscire a scrivere qualcosa senza sembrare l'Apu della situazione è impossibile.

    Giusto per chiarire, scrivo in inglese solo al fine di condividere le soluzioni con una platea più ampia possibile; mi espongo al pubblico ludibrio a fin di bene :-)

    Che Ganesha mi protegga
