martedì 17 aprile 2012

SafeNet Authentication Client , how to solve installation issues

Recently I have had problems with a SafeNet Authentication Client v.8.0.0 installation  on Windows7 SP1, the SafeNet installation was simply broken and I wasn't able to repair or uninstall ( failed with a generic error ) and  the installer don't permit to do a fresh install over an existing one.
 I tried CCleaner in order to remove the application entry but the CCleaner failed with an error : "Impossible to delete MSI.."
I was sticked.

The solution is
  1. Use in order to delete the installation information from your system. Please, pay attention, let's select and delete ONLY the SafeNet Authentication Client entry!! No rollback exists for this operation. Alternate download link.
  2. You are able to do do a fresh SafeNet install, but the installation still fails with an "error: 1402". The error contains details about registry keys which the installer is not able to read/write.. yes it is a permission issue. The solution is here: , abstract: you have to edit execute regedit as adminsitrator, find out the root of the problematic keys and change the permissions as pointed in the linked article.
  3. You have to iterate the installation procedure 2) as far as you have fixed permissions an all the keys.

Hope useful,
Good luck

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